Sunday, January 30, 2011

Mastercard Priceless Elephant

Mastercard sure hit on something when they introduced their "Priceless" line of commercials and advertisements. They really have taken the word priceless and branded it as their own word. When someone says "That's priceless", see if a couple other people in the room don't finish the line with "for everything else...there's Mastercard". And mastercard has been embedding many of their different features and tools into the priceless commercials. From explaining that they're accepted in most places and that they have cool new innovations like 'paypass' they are working hard on becoming a household name.

This commercial with the elephant going shopping to "make everything better" is a good start while building on a touching relationship of an animal taking care of a human and attempting to build in some humor, such as an elephant having a credit card, being able to leave the zoo with out being challenged and all of the store clerks acting as if it were an everyday occurrence that an elephant is walking through their store. Even other customers think nothing of this elephant walking around. And they built in a positive message about how animals are being treated at zoos, which many organizations have challenged. So it's good to see some positive advertising, rather than the usual high pressure type ads. Some of the mastercard commercials really are priceless.

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